A Sampling of Workshops
Below is a small sampling of the workshops Mollie has run. When faculty engage in Mollie's workshops, a professional community forms. Teachers are able to learn from one another and the result is a desire to sustain that learning throughout the school year. Mollie works closely with teachers and school leaders before presenting to ensure that each workshop is tailored to meet the needs of the school. Workshops can be done during professional development days, after school, or during summer months.
Introduction to the Workshop Model
*Description of the workshop model- theory and practice
*Overview of a unit of study
*Overview of a typical day
*Video clips of effective workshops and mini-lessons
*Model effective lessons
*Architecture of a mini-lesson
*Learn how to plan an effective mini-lesson
Phonemic Awareness & Phonics Instruction
*Overview of phonemic awareness, phonics and their critical role in reading development
*Ways of teaching phonemic awareness and phonics using engaging techniques - all grounded in the science of reading
*Create a scope and sequence
Conferring and Small Group Work
*Types of conferences
*Plan for a conference or small group lesson
*Effectively executing conferences and small group work
*Using Toolkits, mentor texts and teachers’ writing in conferences and small group work
Essay Writing in the Upper Grades
*Review (or introduce) the Writing Workshop model
*Create units of study for genres of essay writing including personal essays, persuasive essays, opinion writing, and literary essays
*Gather mentor texts for use when teaching essays through an inquiry-based style
Building Comprehensions through Character Study
*Explore how studying characters can create more meaningful comprehension
*Learn strategies to enhance students’ accurate fluency
*Learn strategies for teaching children to monitor their reading and fix any miscues or lapses in comprehension
*Create lessons for responding to reading in deep, meaningful ways through talking and writing
*Incorporate the big ideas of the day into a Character Study unit of study for use in your classroom
Planning Non-fiction Writing Units of Study
*Learn how to implement exciting, new non-narrative units of study
*Learn to effectively teach non-fiction writing strategies that will also assist with non-fiction reading
Launching Narrative Writing
*Plan the first 20 days of narrative writing
*Create writing pieces from which to teach
*Practice teaching to small groups of colleagues- feedback and reflection
*Create and use teachers’ writing folders and writers’ notebooks
*Create and use Writing Toolkits
*Use mentor text to teach strategy lessons
Note: This format can be used to map out any genre of writing (including procedural texts, “all-about” books, memoir, fairy tales, realistic fiction, biographies, essays)
High Leverage Reading Strategies
*Study six high-leverage reading comprehension strategies
*Push readers to analyze text, find evidence to support claims and think critically while reading
*Design read-alouds and Reading Workshop mini-lessons
*Create overview of units of study