Mollie is eager to work with your teachers to enhance their understanding and practice of phonics, the science of reading, writing instruction and other aspects of literacy. She is able to present when convenient for you- summer workshops, faculty meetings, professional development days. Each workshop will provide participants with a deep understanding of the theory behind the approach, as well practical ideas for implementation.
The goal is for teachers to walk away with units, lessons, and strategies that they can implement in their classrooms immediately. The majority of the time is spent working, creating, planning, and reflecting.
All workshops will be tailored to meet your school’s professional needs.

Mollie has helped schools transition from various models of instruction. Many schools are looking to move away from outdated programs and into programs that support the latest reading research. She understands the effort and finesse school change involves.
If your school is already engaged in a curriculum that is working for the children, Mollie can help you take that work to the next level, plugging gaps and ensuring teachers are reaching all students. Mollie can help you ensure that the structures in place at your school are maximizing teacher effectiveness and student learning.

Having been coached by Lucy Calkins, Kathleen Tolan and other staff developers at the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project, Mollie truly knows what effective, on-site, staff development looks like. She has worked in teachers' classrooms modeling lesson, co-teaching (or "elbow coaching"), and most importantly, giving teachers immediate, constructive feedback to ensure that they are pushing their students to become critical readers and writers.